Sunday 23 November 2014


If one cooked meat in a perfectly clean milk pot, that was last used for milk within the previous 24 hours, the meat is forbidden. This is because the TA’AM (taste) of milk within the walls of the pot is still active. This is known as NOTEN TA’AM LISHEVACH (transferral of an active taste).

If one cooked meat in a perfectly clean milk pot, that was last used for milk more than 24 hour before, the meat is permitted[1]. This is because the TA’AM (taste) of milk within the walls of the pot is no longer active. This is known as NOTEN TA’AM LIFEGAM (transferral of an inactive taste).[2]

[1] The meat is only permitted BEDIEVED (de facto), i.e. in a case where one made a mistake. One would not, however, be allowed to use a milk pot LECHATCHILA (in the first instance) for cooking meat. See p 14.
[2] In both cases the same would apply if one cooked milk in a meat pot under the same circumstances. 

1 comment:

  1. Why does this commentary refer to a 'perfectly' clean pot in the second paragraph. What is the distinction?
