Sunday, 23 November 2014


If one did make a mistake and cooked meat in a milk pot that was last used more than 24 hours ago, the food would be permitted, but the pot would have to be kashered by boiling.

The reason for this discrepancy is as follows:
1)      The meat is permitted because it only cooked in a dissipated milk taste.
2)      The pot has to be kashered because:                                                                                                        A) It is a milk pot that now has absorbed meat. So it would have to be kashered before it can be used again for milk.
B) It would also have to be kashered before it is used again even for meat, because one may not, in the first instance, use a milk pot to cook meat[1].

[1] Theoretically, however, it would be permitted to cook something PAREV in the pot, although the custom is to refrain from doing so.

1 comment:

  1. As per my suggestion on lesson 14, it would be helpful to have the requirement for kashering, fully explained.
